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Saint Cecilia Church    Saint Mary Church

Sunday Bulletin

Second Sunday of Lent

March 4, 2007

Readings.  Gospel: Luke 9:28b-36

        The transfiguration is one of the unique revelations in Jesus' life.  It ultimately supports His Divinity.  After this event, Peter, James and John no longer question who He is, but why He isn't proofing His Messianism.  During the course of Lent, depicting the last weeks of Jesus' life, Jesus is foretelling His Passion, Crucifixion, and Death.  This is unimaginable to Peter, James and John who witness the transfiguration.  Many Christians also struggle with the concept of the defeated Christ.  But both the Passion of Christ and His Transcendent Nature is what makes Christianity unique.  If He is only human, it won't be enough for us.  If He is only transcendent, He won't be enough for us.  Therefore Christ is really unique.

   Mass Intentions:  Week of March 4, 2007

  Sunday          9:30 a.m.  ------   Bernard & Enny 
  Sunday         11:15 a.m. ------   Daniel Smith
  Monday             8 a.m.  ------   Anna Nicole Smith
  Wednesday        8 a.m.  ------   Anna Nicole Smith
  Thursday            8 a.m.  ------   Anna Nicole Smith
  Friday                8 a.m.  ------   Monk of Mount Tabor   
  Saturday          10 a.m.  ------   Helena Lai (healing)

At one time, it was assumed that leaders "had the answers." But in all fields, he said "no one has all the answers"; problems must be resolved "in a process in which all must participate."



From the Pew:

      Spring Cursillo weekends: Men - March 8-11; Women - March 22-25.  If you have any interest or want to learn more about this 60-year-old tradition, contact Tom Egan at 499-90799 or Frank Lavin 310-8551.
      Give yourself and your spouse a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend, April 20-22, Burlingame.  For information, visit http://www.sf.lovemoredeeply.org or call Paul & Yvonne at 650-366-7093.
       March 16th, 6 p.m., mark your calendar.  The Annual St. Patrick's Celebration - fun and laughter, music and songs, and other surprises. All here, at St. Cecilia's Parish Hall.  Come and enjoy the camaraderie.  Dispensation granted from eating meat on this most holy of nights. 
      The Annual Archdiocesan Appeal envelopes are now available t be picked up at the front entrance.  Rather than to mail all envelopes, for those at Mass, we would like you to pick them up as you leave.

      Second Collection next week is to support the Lenten Series.
Lenten Series             

          Week 2: Wednesday,  March 7th  -  7:15 pm  Presentation by Msgr. Joseph Milani.  Msgr. Milani has experienced Catholicism for practically Vatican I to Vatican II.  He is therefore experienced to tumultuous changes  in recent church history.  Elderly people might enjoy his reminiscences.  